Over-the-fence Pipeline Delivery of Nitrogen and Oxygen
Pipeline Gas Delivery enables large consumers of oxygen and/or nitrogen to share the output of a single air separation unit (ASU).
Pipeline gas delivery is an option that can help address high and continuous gas demand, in a region with multiple nitrogen and/or oxygen users.

Rather than building a single onsite plant on a user-owned site, an ASU is built off-site, and a pipeline network is built to serve multiple customers. In some cases, more than one ASU may be constructed to feed the network.
Pipeline supply can also be an option where the customer does not have room for an onsite plant, but a suitable site is available nearby.
Pipeline customers will enter into a long-term supply agreement to cover their gas oxygen or nitrogen usage, including provisions for potential high (or low) volume periods, outages, etc. MATHESON’s intent is always to build a supply agreement that is consistent with customer requirements.
When there are multiple large users in a service area and there is also a demand for delivery-based merchant products, MATHESON can supply the former by pipeline and the latter by delivery. Overall, this can improve gas supply availability and lower the total cost of gas supply for everyone.